You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Program > Edit - Program - Supply Chain Config (v2.8)
Edit - Program - Supply Chain Config (v2.8)

Use this option to configure a company for supply chain procurement. Setting up a supply chain in Micronet helps to simplify the order entry process for users because many of the options for procuring stock for sales can be automated. For example, if stock on hand is available to supply a sale, Micronet identifies that the stock is to be taken by the customer and automatically produces a customer invoice, requiring only minimal data entry by the user.

Supply chain procurement is suitable for any type of business, from small single stores to multi-branch franchises with one or more distribution warehouses. Your supply chain can be fully configured to suit the needs of your business. There are two main areas to configure:

Configuring your supply chain involves setting up your procurement options in order of priority, and the default delivery option for each procurement option. When your operators process sales, Micronet automatically checks whether stock on hand is available and, if not, works down through the list of procurement options until the appropriate source of stock is determined. For example, your second procurement option after stock on hand might be a transfer from a distribution warehouse, then a transfer from another branch, and finally a manual or automatic purchase order.

When it has determined the appropriate source of stock, Micronet inserts that procurement option into the order as well as the default delivery option for that procurement option. Your operators then just confirm the defaults, although they can override them if required. At the end of the sale, Micronet automatically produces the appropriate documentation – an invoice for goods paid for and taken, an order confirmation for goods to be picked up or delivered, or one document combining both.

The diagrams and procedures in the following topics explain how supply chain procurement works in the most common scenarios.


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